In his anger Nezha attacked his father and the two battled until two celestial beings intervened and helped the father and son reconcile.

Legend Of Nezha Cartoon

Creation of God, Journey to the West

As the Shang rule became increasing corrupt, Nezha along with his father and brothers assisted King Wu to establish the Zhou dynasty. This adventure was recorded in the novel “Creation of the Gods” In “Journey to the West”, Nezha was sent by the jade emperor to subdue the Monkey God but failed to stop his terror in the Celestial Court.

Nezha in the Taoist patheon

Chinese god nezha

Legend Of Nezha

Nezha is a well-known and popular Taoist deity Wsop playtika rewards code. with temples dedicated to him. He is more commonly present in temple celebrations as the Central Marshal of the celestial army. He is also very popular with devotees as Nezha, Third Lotus Prince.

His spirit medium can manifest in various forms and the temple will dress him in appropriate attire; childlike clothes, with lotus designs for the Third Lotus Price manifest and martial wear as the Central Marshal.

Nezha's story has inspired various cartoons and TV serials all with great success.

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